Haiz.... Time flies... as in the title.... It's already nearly 3 weeks since i came back home, and less than a week left to go back to that dreaded place. These past couple weeks was... 充实... Hmm, let's see....
Allow me to go backwards, instead of according to sequence. 23rd April, i went to dear's place to help out in making a cheese cake for dad. It's his birthday on the 24th. Come to think of it, my dear is quite a capable lady. She can bake, she can cook (though have a lot of improvements to do), she can 理家,she can write lyrics, she has a lot more to discover... So anyway, dad likes the cake...
Before that, mum and i took Siew Hui to the airport. 原来,去机场的路其实很简单的…… 呵呵,我还想那么多…(人家不怎么去到那里嘛,所以就慌了一点。)在那之前,妈妈和我带秀慧去吃午餐~~~
星期日呢,有了我们的献堂礼~~ 哇……那天真的很感动,也很开心~ 这美丽又多功能的教会,再次献给神,再次肯定我们对祂的委身~ 愿神好好使用我们每个还有那堂!那一天,真的是很顺利。所有都很准时,大家也各尽其职…… 真的很感谢神~ ^^
Sunday is also our anniversary. It was our 2nd year together. And my, dear was beautiful with that dress on! Haha... Although we don't get much time that day, i am way too happy and grateful to let anything like that affect too much of me.
Haiz... time passes by too quickly for any man to grasp hold. As the days flows past, time accelerates. As a person slowly approaches the end, time as if races away from him with ever growing velocity...
转眼间,我已经过了两个学期在吉隆坡,即将开始第三学期了~ 唉~~~~~ 岁月不饶人啊!很快的,我会再见到那创造者~ 那时,我会以喜乐去迎接这一天的到来的~
幸福在珍惜、在感恩~~~ 所以,我都不怎么要求的…… 对她也不敢要求。一来,不会那么辛苦嘛。二来,我哪里有资格要求宝贝,自己都做不好了啦~~~ 呵呵~~~ 哎呀,我会尽量去达到她的要求的啦,只是……要她等很久咯,像我这样的人,需要很久时间的…… 唉,委屈她了~~~
那么短的时间,能够看到她,我很开心了~~~ 希望这两年,一年半快快过去吧……
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