Through my eyes

What do you see?
What do i see?

The tree

The tree

Monday, 19 October 2009

Sleeping on the Sea

Sleeping on the sea, walking on sunshine...

19102009~ Wow!!! Ever slept on the sea? i never had...but experienced something similar before...Today's Monday, so yesterday's Sunday...Well, our youth fellowship went for a outing, that is canoeing at the water sports center near Batu Ferringhhi...

First, we arrive at the place...(of course). We got everything ready. We brought out the canoes, get the paddles, put on our life jackets, and received a brief briefing on safety and techniques (it was for the first-timers. i, on the other hand, had experience). Then, we get ourselves wet (pushing our canoes into the water), and climbed in.

We had a whale of a time. Paddling around, clashing into each others (which was exhilarating, for fear of overturning the boat), splashing water, getting wet and laughing when others are being splashed. After some time, some of us started to get tired, we just sat back and relaxed, taking in the beautiful scenery.

There were some weird ones, or should i say interesting ones...Hmm...let's see, there were two couples, being close (nothing else to share...). Then there was one who kept spinning 360 degrees everytime she paddles, so funny... Then there were (and still are) the bullies, who splashed water and searching for 'prey' (which to a certain level, acceptable), and who would not let go of the canoes of others (BAD, BAD boys, men would not do that). Then there were the 'blur-eyed' people, who somehow were afraid of me paddling towards them, and calling me ‘大白鲨’. Why? Have i done anything wrong? Am i a threat to them? Who knows...By the way, i DON'T LIKE IT!!!

Then we had dinner together...(sorry, no details...)

Oh, and also about sleeping on the sea...You see (if you don't, then you should get an eye check-up), when you're in the sea, canoeing, there are waves. The waves nudges gently the canoe up and down, up and down, up and a million times...Your body kind of got used to that motion, then when you quiet down (or, in my case, lying in my bed), you feel like you are in a boat, moving up and down, up and down, up and down...It feels strange yet comforting...perfect for when going to sleep...ZZZZZz...

Ahh...yes, today (19th October) is my best friend's (although it is grammatically wrong, as i have a lot of best friends) birthday. Wish you all the best! You know who you are...yes, you...infront of the screen...Happy Birthday!!! and GOD bless!!!


1 comment:

  1. 师父~对不起,我不知道你不喜欢我们叫你“大白鲨”~真的很对不起啦~因为那时候你向着我们这个方向划得很快啊~我就以为你要追着我们啊~所以就把你当作了鲨鱼~真的很对不起啦~不要生气啦,好不好?是我不对啦~不要生徒弟的气了好不好?:(
