26042010- Have you experienced GOD's love before? i don't until recently, that is since a month ago. Though i had experienced His love many times in the past, it wasn't until recently i experience His grace and love almost everyday. How said? Well, it's simple. Reading His words, talking to Him, singing praises, reflecting on His words. All those, magnifies GOD's love greatly, allowing me to experience Him.
By praising and worshiping the LORD, i can remember His love, praise, give thanks, and at times, just enjoy the love. By reading His word, it's as if He's talking to me, encouraging me or teaching me a lesson from the past. By praying, i tell my story, i give thanks, i pray for others. That's how i experience GOD. Besides, just look around, look at nature, that's GOD, you can see His image right there. He's everywhere! He who created the heavens and the earth is worthy of our praise. He who sent His Son is worthy of our thanks.
GOD, i love you~
~a burn~
Through my eyes
What do you see?
What do i see?
The tree

Wednesday, 28 April 2010
Friday, 23 April 2010
So Happy!!!
23042010- Now that everything's clear, i just want to praise GOD. Thank You, LORD!!! Haha~ Actually, feeling so relieved, makes me so happy! Really, just plain elated, that simple. Thank You, LORD!
Thursday, 22 April 2010
So Cold~
22042010- i feel so cold... Where is the warmth? Have i left the Fires of Joy? Or i have walked away? Where am i? After last night, darkness blankets over me. i've never experienced before, this darkness. The LORD is still with me, i still have the Holy Spirit in me. So why, or what is this happenings? So cold, i don't feel anything. No pain, no joy, no sadness, no nothing! All of them so mixed up, i can't even express or feel it. Pain, a lot; relieved; no joy; i don't know. All i know is i regret, i regret, i regret. i shouldn't have opened the Chest to her. It's like the Pandora's box, never to be opened to someone who isn't supposed to look. Only Christ and the one meant for me are to see it. Now that it's opened, the Swords of Wisdom slice my heart like paper. So pain, too pain to feel pain. i'm dead. Walking dead. When will i live again? i don't know. But i shall rise up again, like phoenix from the ashes. Phoenix....
~a burn~
~a burn~
Wednesday, 21 April 2010
Just Plain Confused
21042010- i had been very confused since we started. Confused. Really confused. i don't know what feeling is that, my brain doesn't recognise this feeling. Love, i know that, but what kind? Sibling love? Friendship's love? Lovers' love? Parent's love? i don't know. i'm not sure.
Sometimes, i think i have fallen. No. Sometimes, i think it is just friends. No, more than that. Sometimes, i think it's like a brother watching over a sister. Sometimes, i think it's like a mother, looking into everything. Sometimes, it's like a dad caring and protecting his daughter. Sometimes, it's like sisters playing together, having fun. Sometimes, like total strangers, nothing to say when met. Sometimes, like a peace-keeper, keeping watch. Other times, like a sniper, ready to strike down my VIP's threat. Then, it' like a couple, keeping her in mind. Father? What's happening? It's not that feeling, nor this. What is it? Am i guardian? Or am i friend? My assignment, Sir? Escort? Defence? Sniper? Sentry? Scout? Assault? Pathfinder? Heavy-gunner? Strike? Commando? Close air support? Apa dia?
Hmm... Maybe i'm spilling to much juice here.... LORD, what am i supposed to do? i am confused over my role. Which section am i assigned to? Where do i serve? I AM CONFUSED, A LOT.
~a burn~
Sometimes, i think i have fallen. No. Sometimes, i think it is just friends. No, more than that. Sometimes, i think it's like a brother watching over a sister. Sometimes, i think it's like a mother, looking into everything. Sometimes, it's like a dad caring and protecting his daughter. Sometimes, it's like sisters playing together, having fun. Sometimes, like total strangers, nothing to say when met. Sometimes, like a peace-keeper, keeping watch. Other times, like a sniper, ready to strike down my VIP's threat. Then, it' like a couple, keeping her in mind. Father? What's happening? It's not that feeling, nor this. What is it? Am i guardian? Or am i friend? My assignment, Sir? Escort? Defence? Sniper? Sentry? Scout? Assault? Pathfinder? Heavy-gunner? Strike? Commando? Close air support? Apa dia?
Hmm... Maybe i'm spilling to much juice here.... LORD, what am i supposed to do? i am confused over my role. Which section am i assigned to? Where do i serve? I AM CONFUSED, A LOT.
~a burn~
Friday, 16 April 2010
FUN Mini Mission @ Sitiawan
Bless and you will be blessed even greater.
15032010~ That is what came through my mind yesterday night before going to bed. This story began all the way back to last last Saturday (6th March) during Youth fellowship. Well, we did have our usual P&W; but after that, Fung Hain told us and taught us a new... performance routine(?) i shall say (i do not know what it is called). So, we started doing it... It was quite fun actually, but also was rather tiring, as one had to do repetitive actions like squatting down and standing back up again, et cetera.
Fast forwarding... ... Monday... Tuesday... Wednesday... Thursday... Friday... STOP! Rewind backwards to Friday, 2100 hrs...
Ahh... Now it's D+1 before Saturday. We, that is the participants, gathered for a final preparation for the supposed mini mission, at least that's what Mama (Fung Hain, hehe) told us. We practiced, had fun, chatted, laughed, practiced some more, and laughed... Before we left to get ready (and of course sleep), Ren Yee briefed us on the plans, and told us what to expect. He said that we were going to lodge in a apartment, and asked whoever has a sleeping bag, bring it along, for there may not be enough beds. Then, we went home.
13th March, Saturday (D1)- " Tell the world that Jesus lives, tell the world that, tell the world that!" Woke me up from my slumber. i got up and got ready. Mama, took 霖哥 and me to the Hew's, where she picked up them from Batu Feringghi (Ren Yee, Vivian, Amanda, Anita, and Louise (she isn't going)). When they rushed up the van, it was a hilarious sight. Everyone was scurrying up with their luggages. We all laughed because it looked like they're hurrying after a heist from the Hew's. Even Louise's action of closing the gate tickled our funny bones, it was like we're 'kind robbers' who helped to closed their victims door.
Next, we headed to church to pick up Alvin on the way. Don't know what really happened, but when one of us asked him over the phone, 'where are you?' He replied, 'i'm here.' Hahaha! How funny is that! So, we picked him up, as Louise got off, she wasn't following us. Then we went to the closest petrol station to fill our gas tank and buy something to eat. After that we went to Gambir to pick up sifu (Danny) and Yvonne. Danny's hair suggests he just woke up... haha...ha... Then, we officially set off for Sitiawan. ...
About an hour later, we've reached the PLUS highway exit to Bukit Merah. Our destination? Bukit Merah Laketown Resort. But as 霖哥 puts it, "La-Ke-Ton Resort"... Ha Ha Ha!!! Laughter erupted in the van as soon as he uttered those words! Reading from here isn't the same as listening to him saying that live. Walau! He is hilarious, without even trying... Anyway, we drove in and got the van parked. We got down and got ready to... PLAY! After Ren Yee bought the tickets (which is a wrist band with bar code), we got in. Before we went in for the fun, we changed into the proper attire, kept the stuff in the lockers, and got a 2-person tube. ...
Then, we got in and got wet! We waded in the knee deep waters looking for something fun. Of course, we had our fun... Even walking in the waterways was fun. Throw us a tube and 霖哥 and we'll have fun...Haha! (when will i finish this? this is taking so long) We went around, looking for something to play, then we spotted something. We kind of like ran towards it (water slide), then started climbing upwards. However, when we got up (only Al, 霖哥, and me), the lifeguard there told us that this is only for 12 years and below! =.=!!! Walau! Quite paiseh leh! So, we hurried down, and told the girls the same thing...
We continued on our way looking for something to have fun with... We spotted another slide... We're not sure whether this is suitable for us, so Al, 霖哥, and me went scouting again. We reached the top, and to our relief, it says for 120 cm and above. Wow~ now this is what we were waiting for. So, 霖哥 and me went down first. Woo~ that was fun, with some bumps to look out for (hey, my butt got hit on one of them). We got off (the tube), asked who's next, to go with Al, and realised the girls won't want to go...(we're conservative). So, i went up again with Al. We took a different route down. And they waited there for us...Weird, they don't seemed to want to play... Never mind, we continued...
We continue wading through the waters, by then Ren Yee had joined us. And man, he was playful! Maybe pressures from the work place and the chance to release it made him act this way. Anyway, we had fun. Then we saw something. Something that says 'Excitement', something i've wanted to try. BOOMERANG. Walau eh! Very 'ci gek' ar! Just by the looks of it, it's already quite interesting. So, we decided to give it a shot. 霖哥 and me went up 1st. The climb up was...stair-y. So much steps to reach the top... But, finally we reached there. 霖哥 went down 1st, i didn't see though, i was still climbing. Then, it's my turn. Slowly, and cautiously i got into the rubber...uh...thing. Holding onto the thing, the PIC steadily and gently pushed the thing until i was on the very edge. i looked down. WALAU EH!!! The slope is 90 degrees from up here!!! (it looked like a measly 45 down-side) i gripped the thing tightly, heart pounding like a MG firing, thinking, 'maybe this isn't a good idea after all.' Then, WHOOOSH!!!! Wow!!! G-force quickly builds up on me, 2Gs ++. So exhilarating, so WOW. i can't even scream. Upon reaching the bottom, i shot up again. Then, it slowly swung back and forth until it stops at the bottom. i got off carefully, still 'adrenal-ised' by the entire Whoosh. They all asked, 'How was it?'
i asked them to give it a try, and persuade, i did. i was already up for the second time. Second time: i tried to scream. It was still quite hard to. When we had enough playing Boomerang, we went on. Then, someone suggested we tried the jelly, and so we did. However, they (the PIC or rather the rule) only allowed about 6 (or 5? i forgot) persons in at a time. But that didn't deterred us from going in. So, we play. *boing boing! Then, *wheessh! Yup, we slide down. Not as fun as Boomerang though, but you could do that as much as you wanted, that is within the 5-minute time frame. We went in for seconds, we had fun. That is until Alvin slipped and hurt himself. RY and me helped him down. Did i mention Al split his toe nail? Yup, it may not bother me much (in fact, i'm pretty interested in it), but it's quite painful.
We did some scurrying, caring, talking... Then, i accompanied Al to the in-house clinic. After some discussion, consideration with the medical staff ( i don't know if they were doctors), he decided to have it cut. So, he got it. All the while with me beside him, it was an experience. (i'm trying to finish this ASAP, it would be one of the longest)
After all that, we exited the Waterpark. And we got ready to leave (of course, we had some other fun before boarding the vehicle) We resumed our journey, leaving "La-ke-ton" with a myriad of feelings. By then, it was already 1500 hrs or so. We quickly stopped by the nearest R&R and had lunch, most of us had nasi. Then we hit the roads again, eager to reach there ASAP. It was a good 2 hrs when we reached Sitiawan. But then, we have yet to reach the church. We got around town looking around for the place. We didn't know where is it. After some 15 minutes, we pulled up to the largest Methodist church we saw, i forgot the name. But as we found out the next day, it's the first church to be established there. We got off, as we waited for the people there to lead us to where we were supposed to go. The Youths we are, we had some fun there too....
Ah, then they arrived. We got on the van, and followed them to Shekinah Methodist Church, not far away. At which, 霖哥 read '街理公会', we burst into laughter again. We got off, as Brother Ngeh (did i spell his name correctly?) and Calvin (Alvin with a 'C' as he introduced himself) talked with Fung Hain (later to be our 奶妈). Not long after, they took us to our lodgings. As it turns out, it is a resort! Cool~ We didn't expect it.
We got in, looked around. Then Brother said we must be ready by 1930 hrs. We heard, i looked at thet time, '1900' Wow! We, a group of 10 brothers and sisters, and only 2 bathrooms, getting ready 30 minutes later... Wow! Rush! One by one, we took turns to have our 'mandi, kerbau style'. Then when the boys are ready to go, the ladies are still.... You know.... We waited... Finally, they were ready, Brother had to wait for us... Paiseh...
They took us for dinner. What we expected was their Youth meeting, but instead they treated us to a dinner meeting. With nice food. That's why i said, 'Bless, and you'll be blessed'. To start off, came the coconuts... Nice... Then came the food... Although i cannot and don't like to eat seafood, the food was good... i had my fill... We had fun over the table too... We got to know to very talented (and good-looking) guys, Ephraim and Matthew (same name as Al's brother). And the ladies (including Al and me), was and probably still is attracted to them (in a good way). They both work at Marina Island, as laboratory workers. Marine biologists, mostly crustaceans if my memory serves me right. Anyway, after dinner, we gathered around and had a small sharing.
After all that good food, brother Calvin took Al to the nearest clinic, and i accompanied him. Whereas, the others were taking a night's tour of the town. Driving in Sitiawan is pleasurable, the roads are long and straight, with few bumps, a huge contrast to Penang's road. We went around looking for a clinic that's of course still open. We found one. We got in, we got out. That's how efficient the doctor is. Quick and precise. Then, we headed back to camp, uhh, i mean the resort. They, the other eight, haven't reached yet, so, Al and me waited outside, chatting...
Then they got back. We got in, we played UNO. Again 霖哥 amused us with his hilarious ways... Not to laugh at him, but he's simply cute. After some time, it's bed time...We went to bed... A handful two less slept in the sitting room, hey, it's rather comfortable here... Nite... ZZzz...
14th March, Sunday (D2)- We woke up, got ourselves ready for the Sunday service... Wait, we must have breakfast! And so we did. After that, we quickly went to the church. Had our or rather gave our usual P&W. Then, it's our turn. We performed. Fung Hain spoke. We performed. Then, other things before 散会. Then, we had some pictures taken, they had refreshments. After that, we had lunch. dim sum. Yum! Again, fun at the table.
After lunch, we proceeded to that old church. The trainee pastor gave us a tour of the place. There were even a museum. After that, we were quite...amazed of the church's history. It was once a 100% Christian community (that we were told over dinner on Saturday). The place was... Blessed, i should say. Next, Ephraim and Matthew took us to Marina Island. Walau! 'Chin sui ne!' Very beautiful, clear beaches, nice breeze, just plain beautiful. Man-made island. We walked around, admiring the beauty. After moments i do not know, it was time to head back to Penang. We bid the handsomes farewell, and hit the roads again. On the way, 霖哥 cried (not really) for water. We were hoping a gas station with a mini market. When we saw one, 霖哥 exclaimed, '主的恩典!' We couldn't agree more. We bought stuffs, 霖哥 bought 3 big (1.5 litres big) bottles of drinks...
We then continued home bound. Did i mentioned we had extra company? Anyway, an hour or so later, 霖哥 asked if there were any stops, he needed to answer nature's call. So, he did. But that was near Penang already. The sky was dark when we stopped. When we're done, we proceeded. But, RY took or missed a turn, we took a big turn before getting our bearings right again. All the while, we were playing guess the song, where a person or two would sing, and the others guess the song. Fun. When we were crossing Penang Bridge, i was chatting with Al. i wanted to say 'Lumut', instead i uttered, 'Mulut (mouth in BM)'. We both broke into laughter. We laughed for a good 20 or so minutes! Haha....
Then, one by one, we got home...T.T
Thus ends our Fun mini mission trip.... We are hoping for the next one. We are waiting, LORD. (i didn't mention You was because all was by Your grace. So, all was already singing Your praises)
i took more than a month to complete this...
~a burn~
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