"Where the hell is the Alexanders!!?? They're supposed to make sure this doesn't happen!!"
17082010 - Dreams, are they things that we wish to happen? Or are they events that occur in our subconscious mind while we are asleep? Could they be co-existing? Simple, stupid questions that came to me...
Well, both happened to me today. i won't tell the story. But, when your slumber dreams and your the dreams you wish to happen collide, that's pretty.....
It's so real. Most probably have the same thought.
Through my eyes
What do you see?
What do i see?
The tree

Wednesday, 18 August 2010
Tuesday, 29 June 2010
Here, . . .
Here, . . .
Here i am,
Laying, in my own pool of blood.
Beaten, battered, injured, hurt,
Defeated, loss, pain, weak...
Here i am,
Confused, by the battle i just fought,
Puzzled, surprised, ambushed, disoriented,
By enemies unknown, unseen...
Here i am,
Helplessly beaten down,
Waiting to be pulled up again,
Weakened... "Where are you?"...
Here i am,
Tired, all worn out,
Slowly, gradually slipping away,
into oblivion, into darkness...
Here i am...
Burned to ashes,
Here i am...
Here i am...
i will rise again, phoenix
. . . Just wait for me,
let me rest and recuperate,
let me lick my injuries,
let me be alone,
wait for me,
i will be back,
just wait for me. . .
Tuesday, 1 June 2010
On 16th May, the Youths went for a hike cum shooting. Shooting? No, not that. We shot footages for our Family Camp video. Well, for 1st timers, it was pretty confusing. Some were even quite restricted to the script. Anyway, we miraculously finished shooting the video by 1630 hrs, we started at about 1430 hrs... Haha, we did it about for 2 hours! Thank GOD, and praise Him! Although we had difficulties, like, slippery ground (it was raining), miscommunication, inexperience, low battery, and unexpected circumstances, we pulled through... And, i think we did a marvelous job! Bravo guys! Glory to GOD again!
After the shooting, of course the videos needed editing. Well, Danny S did most of it. He did 85% of all editing in 24 hrs! Walau! Hard to believe leh... i, on the other hand, took 3 days to complete it... Why? Because playing with the video editing software was fun! You can make people speak at different speeds and pitches, and also make the video go backwards... Then, they would speak weirdly... Haha!!!
Anyway, the final result was very... umm... surprising, nice, and touching to some... Again, i have to praise the LORD and give Him thanks... i hope to get a full copy of it soon...
Our lead actor, Alvin!
Behind the scenes, literally...
~a burn~
Saturday, 22 May 2010
So long liao...
22052010- It's been a long time since i've updated my blog... It's like, uhh, one month? Maybe even longer... Why so long? i've started my own story, a fictional story, and i've been writing on it. Besides, there's some things to do too...So, i'll give a brief update la...
First of all, my new semester has started! A new academic year, new status (i'm a senior now... old liao~), new college fees bill, new lecturers, new subjects, new notes and books... Haiz, the first day back to college, the first subject, why does it have to be Maths???!!! So sien nia... And of all branches, why do i need to study differentiation???!!! i hate you!!! Humans are so stupid, they make lives so complicated, first politics, then economy, then education, then technology, then everything else! TSK!!! i think of all of GOD's creatures, only humans will make lives difficult for themselves... Idiotic isn't it? So, anyway, the first week is rather boring... My engines haven't warmed up yet, still trying to get into that study mode. Then there is Electronic Instrumentation and Communication (i think that's the correct name), walau eh, very hard to understand leh... Luckily, we still have our humorous Mr. Teh, at least we have a joke every now and then to keep things fresh... According to the lecturers, this semester will be hard, and will involve a lot more theoretical lessons. So, i'll keep this in prayer...
Next, our Youths, or part of it, has formed and started a worship group/team... We trained on singing/voice/whatever it's called, various musical instruments, and most important, on GOD. Yup, we made it a habit to read the Bible daily, pray, and P&W... And, you can see the lives of these young people transforming little by little. GOD, lead our way!
Besides, i had my status changed... Uhh, that will be in the relationship sense? Anyway, i'm still trying to get myself accustomed to this thing... Again, like what my mum said (on this matter), 'Leave it to GOD.' Hmm... we will...
So, this my brief summary on recent events... i will have another post on shooting... Whatever la..
~a burn~
First of all, my new semester has started! A new academic year, new status (i'm a senior now... old liao~), new college fees bill, new lecturers, new subjects, new notes and books... Haiz, the first day back to college, the first subject, why does it have to be Maths???!!! So sien nia... And of all branches, why do i need to study differentiation???!!! i hate you!!! Humans are so stupid, they make lives so complicated, first politics, then economy, then education, then technology, then everything else! TSK!!! i think of all of GOD's creatures, only humans will make lives difficult for themselves... Idiotic isn't it? So, anyway, the first week is rather boring... My engines haven't warmed up yet, still trying to get into that study mode. Then there is Electronic Instrumentation and Communication (i think that's the correct name), walau eh, very hard to understand leh... Luckily, we still have our humorous Mr. Teh, at least we have a joke every now and then to keep things fresh... According to the lecturers, this semester will be hard, and will involve a lot more theoretical lessons. So, i'll keep this in prayer...
Next, our Youths, or part of it, has formed and started a worship group/team... We trained on singing/voice/whatever it's called, various musical instruments, and most important, on GOD. Yup, we made it a habit to read the Bible daily, pray, and P&W... And, you can see the lives of these young people transforming little by little. GOD, lead our way!
Besides, i had my status changed... Uhh, that will be in the relationship sense? Anyway, i'm still trying to get myself accustomed to this thing... Again, like what my mum said (on this matter), 'Leave it to GOD.' Hmm... we will...
So, this my brief summary on recent events... i will have another post on shooting... Whatever la..
~a burn~
Wednesday, 28 April 2010
26042010- Have you experienced GOD's love before? i don't until recently, that is since a month ago. Though i had experienced His love many times in the past, it wasn't until recently i experience His grace and love almost everyday. How said? Well, it's simple. Reading His words, talking to Him, singing praises, reflecting on His words. All those, magnifies GOD's love greatly, allowing me to experience Him.
By praising and worshiping the LORD, i can remember His love, praise, give thanks, and at times, just enjoy the love. By reading His word, it's as if He's talking to me, encouraging me or teaching me a lesson from the past. By praying, i tell my story, i give thanks, i pray for others. That's how i experience GOD. Besides, just look around, look at nature, that's GOD, you can see His image right there. He's everywhere! He who created the heavens and the earth is worthy of our praise. He who sent His Son is worthy of our thanks.
GOD, i love you~
~a burn~
By praising and worshiping the LORD, i can remember His love, praise, give thanks, and at times, just enjoy the love. By reading His word, it's as if He's talking to me, encouraging me or teaching me a lesson from the past. By praying, i tell my story, i give thanks, i pray for others. That's how i experience GOD. Besides, just look around, look at nature, that's GOD, you can see His image right there. He's everywhere! He who created the heavens and the earth is worthy of our praise. He who sent His Son is worthy of our thanks.
GOD, i love you~
~a burn~
Friday, 23 April 2010
So Happy!!!
23042010- Now that everything's clear, i just want to praise GOD. Thank You, LORD!!! Haha~ Actually, feeling so relieved, makes me so happy! Really, just plain elated, that simple. Thank You, LORD!
Thursday, 22 April 2010
So Cold~
22042010- i feel so cold... Where is the warmth? Have i left the Fires of Joy? Or i have walked away? Where am i? After last night, darkness blankets over me. i've never experienced before, this darkness. The LORD is still with me, i still have the Holy Spirit in me. So why, or what is this happenings? So cold, i don't feel anything. No pain, no joy, no sadness, no nothing! All of them so mixed up, i can't even express or feel it. Pain, a lot; relieved; no joy; i don't know. All i know is i regret, i regret, i regret. i shouldn't have opened the Chest to her. It's like the Pandora's box, never to be opened to someone who isn't supposed to look. Only Christ and the one meant for me are to see it. Now that it's opened, the Swords of Wisdom slice my heart like paper. So pain, too pain to feel pain. i'm dead. Walking dead. When will i live again? i don't know. But i shall rise up again, like phoenix from the ashes. Phoenix....
~a burn~
~a burn~
Wednesday, 21 April 2010
Just Plain Confused
21042010- i had been very confused since we started. Confused. Really confused. i don't know what feeling is that, my brain doesn't recognise this feeling. Love, i know that, but what kind? Sibling love? Friendship's love? Lovers' love? Parent's love? i don't know. i'm not sure.
Sometimes, i think i have fallen. No. Sometimes, i think it is just friends. No, more than that. Sometimes, i think it's like a brother watching over a sister. Sometimes, i think it's like a mother, looking into everything. Sometimes, it's like a dad caring and protecting his daughter. Sometimes, it's like sisters playing together, having fun. Sometimes, like total strangers, nothing to say when met. Sometimes, like a peace-keeper, keeping watch. Other times, like a sniper, ready to strike down my VIP's threat. Then, it' like a couple, keeping her in mind. Father? What's happening? It's not that feeling, nor this. What is it? Am i guardian? Or am i friend? My assignment, Sir? Escort? Defence? Sniper? Sentry? Scout? Assault? Pathfinder? Heavy-gunner? Strike? Commando? Close air support? Apa dia?
Hmm... Maybe i'm spilling to much juice here.... LORD, what am i supposed to do? i am confused over my role. Which section am i assigned to? Where do i serve? I AM CONFUSED, A LOT.
~a burn~
Sometimes, i think i have fallen. No. Sometimes, i think it is just friends. No, more than that. Sometimes, i think it's like a brother watching over a sister. Sometimes, i think it's like a mother, looking into everything. Sometimes, it's like a dad caring and protecting his daughter. Sometimes, it's like sisters playing together, having fun. Sometimes, like total strangers, nothing to say when met. Sometimes, like a peace-keeper, keeping watch. Other times, like a sniper, ready to strike down my VIP's threat. Then, it' like a couple, keeping her in mind. Father? What's happening? It's not that feeling, nor this. What is it? Am i guardian? Or am i friend? My assignment, Sir? Escort? Defence? Sniper? Sentry? Scout? Assault? Pathfinder? Heavy-gunner? Strike? Commando? Close air support? Apa dia?
Hmm... Maybe i'm spilling to much juice here.... LORD, what am i supposed to do? i am confused over my role. Which section am i assigned to? Where do i serve? I AM CONFUSED, A LOT.
~a burn~
Friday, 16 April 2010
FUN Mini Mission @ Sitiawan
Bless and you will be blessed even greater.
15032010~ That is what came through my mind yesterday night before going to bed. This story began all the way back to last last Saturday (6th March) during Youth fellowship. Well, we did have our usual P&W; but after that, Fung Hain told us and taught us a new... performance routine(?) i shall say (i do not know what it is called). So, we started doing it... It was quite fun actually, but also was rather tiring, as one had to do repetitive actions like squatting down and standing back up again, et cetera.
Fast forwarding... ... Monday... Tuesday... Wednesday... Thursday... Friday... STOP! Rewind backwards to Friday, 2100 hrs...
Ahh... Now it's D+1 before Saturday. We, that is the participants, gathered for a final preparation for the supposed mini mission, at least that's what Mama (Fung Hain, hehe) told us. We practiced, had fun, chatted, laughed, practiced some more, and laughed... Before we left to get ready (and of course sleep), Ren Yee briefed us on the plans, and told us what to expect. He said that we were going to lodge in a apartment, and asked whoever has a sleeping bag, bring it along, for there may not be enough beds. Then, we went home.
13th March, Saturday (D1)- " Tell the world that Jesus lives, tell the world that, tell the world that!" Woke me up from my slumber. i got up and got ready. Mama, took 霖哥 and me to the Hew's, where she picked up them from Batu Feringghi (Ren Yee, Vivian, Amanda, Anita, and Louise (she isn't going)). When they rushed up the van, it was a hilarious sight. Everyone was scurrying up with their luggages. We all laughed because it looked like they're hurrying after a heist from the Hew's. Even Louise's action of closing the gate tickled our funny bones, it was like we're 'kind robbers' who helped to closed their victims door.
Next, we headed to church to pick up Alvin on the way. Don't know what really happened, but when one of us asked him over the phone, 'where are you?' He replied, 'i'm here.' Hahaha! How funny is that! So, we picked him up, as Louise got off, she wasn't following us. Then we went to the closest petrol station to fill our gas tank and buy something to eat. After that we went to Gambir to pick up sifu (Danny) and Yvonne. Danny's hair suggests he just woke up... haha...ha... Then, we officially set off for Sitiawan. ...
About an hour later, we've reached the PLUS highway exit to Bukit Merah. Our destination? Bukit Merah Laketown Resort. But as 霖哥 puts it, "La-Ke-Ton Resort"... Ha Ha Ha!!! Laughter erupted in the van as soon as he uttered those words! Reading from here isn't the same as listening to him saying that live. Walau! He is hilarious, without even trying... Anyway, we drove in and got the van parked. We got down and got ready to... PLAY! After Ren Yee bought the tickets (which is a wrist band with bar code), we got in. Before we went in for the fun, we changed into the proper attire, kept the stuff in the lockers, and got a 2-person tube. ...
Then, we got in and got wet! We waded in the knee deep waters looking for something fun. Of course, we had our fun... Even walking in the waterways was fun. Throw us a tube and 霖哥 and we'll have fun...Haha! (when will i finish this? this is taking so long) We went around, looking for something to play, then we spotted something. We kind of like ran towards it (water slide), then started climbing upwards. However, when we got up (only Al, 霖哥, and me), the lifeguard there told us that this is only for 12 years and below! =.=!!! Walau! Quite paiseh leh! So, we hurried down, and told the girls the same thing...
We continued on our way looking for something to have fun with... We spotted another slide... We're not sure whether this is suitable for us, so Al, 霖哥, and me went scouting again. We reached the top, and to our relief, it says for 120 cm and above. Wow~ now this is what we were waiting for. So, 霖哥 and me went down first. Woo~ that was fun, with some bumps to look out for (hey, my butt got hit on one of them). We got off (the tube), asked who's next, to go with Al, and realised the girls won't want to go...(we're conservative). So, i went up again with Al. We took a different route down. And they waited there for us...Weird, they don't seemed to want to play... Never mind, we continued...
We continue wading through the waters, by then Ren Yee had joined us. And man, he was playful! Maybe pressures from the work place and the chance to release it made him act this way. Anyway, we had fun. Then we saw something. Something that says 'Excitement', something i've wanted to try. BOOMERANG. Walau eh! Very 'ci gek' ar! Just by the looks of it, it's already quite interesting. So, we decided to give it a shot. 霖哥 and me went up 1st. The climb up was...stair-y. So much steps to reach the top... But, finally we reached there. 霖哥 went down 1st, i didn't see though, i was still climbing. Then, it's my turn. Slowly, and cautiously i got into the rubber...uh...thing. Holding onto the thing, the PIC steadily and gently pushed the thing until i was on the very edge. i looked down. WALAU EH!!! The slope is 90 degrees from up here!!! (it looked like a measly 45 down-side) i gripped the thing tightly, heart pounding like a MG firing, thinking, 'maybe this isn't a good idea after all.' Then, WHOOOSH!!!! Wow!!! G-force quickly builds up on me, 2Gs ++. So exhilarating, so WOW. i can't even scream. Upon reaching the bottom, i shot up again. Then, it slowly swung back and forth until it stops at the bottom. i got off carefully, still 'adrenal-ised' by the entire Whoosh. They all asked, 'How was it?'
i asked them to give it a try, and persuade, i did. i was already up for the second time. Second time: i tried to scream. It was still quite hard to. When we had enough playing Boomerang, we went on. Then, someone suggested we tried the jelly, and so we did. However, they (the PIC or rather the rule) only allowed about 6 (or 5? i forgot) persons in at a time. But that didn't deterred us from going in. So, we play. *boing boing! Then, *wheessh! Yup, we slide down. Not as fun as Boomerang though, but you could do that as much as you wanted, that is within the 5-minute time frame. We went in for seconds, we had fun. That is until Alvin slipped and hurt himself. RY and me helped him down. Did i mention Al split his toe nail? Yup, it may not bother me much (in fact, i'm pretty interested in it), but it's quite painful.
We did some scurrying, caring, talking... Then, i accompanied Al to the in-house clinic. After some discussion, consideration with the medical staff ( i don't know if they were doctors), he decided to have it cut. So, he got it. All the while with me beside him, it was an experience. (i'm trying to finish this ASAP, it would be one of the longest)
After all that, we exited the Waterpark. And we got ready to leave (of course, we had some other fun before boarding the vehicle) We resumed our journey, leaving "La-ke-ton" with a myriad of feelings. By then, it was already 1500 hrs or so. We quickly stopped by the nearest R&R and had lunch, most of us had nasi. Then we hit the roads again, eager to reach there ASAP. It was a good 2 hrs when we reached Sitiawan. But then, we have yet to reach the church. We got around town looking around for the place. We didn't know where is it. After some 15 minutes, we pulled up to the largest Methodist church we saw, i forgot the name. But as we found out the next day, it's the first church to be established there. We got off, as we waited for the people there to lead us to where we were supposed to go. The Youths we are, we had some fun there too....
Ah, then they arrived. We got on the van, and followed them to Shekinah Methodist Church, not far away. At which, 霖哥 read '街理公会', we burst into laughter again. We got off, as Brother Ngeh (did i spell his name correctly?) and Calvin (Alvin with a 'C' as he introduced himself) talked with Fung Hain (later to be our 奶妈). Not long after, they took us to our lodgings. As it turns out, it is a resort! Cool~ We didn't expect it.
We got in, looked around. Then Brother said we must be ready by 1930 hrs. We heard, i looked at thet time, '1900' Wow! We, a group of 10 brothers and sisters, and only 2 bathrooms, getting ready 30 minutes later... Wow! Rush! One by one, we took turns to have our 'mandi, kerbau style'. Then when the boys are ready to go, the ladies are still.... You know.... We waited... Finally, they were ready, Brother had to wait for us... Paiseh...
They took us for dinner. What we expected was their Youth meeting, but instead they treated us to a dinner meeting. With nice food. That's why i said, 'Bless, and you'll be blessed'. To start off, came the coconuts... Nice... Then came the food... Although i cannot and don't like to eat seafood, the food was good... i had my fill... We had fun over the table too... We got to know to very talented (and good-looking) guys, Ephraim and Matthew (same name as Al's brother). And the ladies (including Al and me), was and probably still is attracted to them (in a good way). They both work at Marina Island, as laboratory workers. Marine biologists, mostly crustaceans if my memory serves me right. Anyway, after dinner, we gathered around and had a small sharing.
After all that good food, brother Calvin took Al to the nearest clinic, and i accompanied him. Whereas, the others were taking a night's tour of the town. Driving in Sitiawan is pleasurable, the roads are long and straight, with few bumps, a huge contrast to Penang's road. We went around looking for a clinic that's of course still open. We found one. We got in, we got out. That's how efficient the doctor is. Quick and precise. Then, we headed back to camp, uhh, i mean the resort. They, the other eight, haven't reached yet, so, Al and me waited outside, chatting...
Then they got back. We got in, we played UNO. Again 霖哥 amused us with his hilarious ways... Not to laugh at him, but he's simply cute. After some time, it's bed time...We went to bed... A handful two less slept in the sitting room, hey, it's rather comfortable here... Nite... ZZzz...
14th March, Sunday (D2)- We woke up, got ourselves ready for the Sunday service... Wait, we must have breakfast! And so we did. After that, we quickly went to the church. Had our or rather gave our usual P&W. Then, it's our turn. We performed. Fung Hain spoke. We performed. Then, other things before 散会. Then, we had some pictures taken, they had refreshments. After that, we had lunch. dim sum. Yum! Again, fun at the table.
After lunch, we proceeded to that old church. The trainee pastor gave us a tour of the place. There were even a museum. After that, we were quite...amazed of the church's history. It was once a 100% Christian community (that we were told over dinner on Saturday). The place was... Blessed, i should say. Next, Ephraim and Matthew took us to Marina Island. Walau! 'Chin sui ne!' Very beautiful, clear beaches, nice breeze, just plain beautiful. Man-made island. We walked around, admiring the beauty. After moments i do not know, it was time to head back to Penang. We bid the handsomes farewell, and hit the roads again. On the way, 霖哥 cried (not really) for water. We were hoping a gas station with a mini market. When we saw one, 霖哥 exclaimed, '主的恩典!' We couldn't agree more. We bought stuffs, 霖哥 bought 3 big (1.5 litres big) bottles of drinks...
We then continued home bound. Did i mentioned we had extra company? Anyway, an hour or so later, 霖哥 asked if there were any stops, he needed to answer nature's call. So, he did. But that was near Penang already. The sky was dark when we stopped. When we're done, we proceeded. But, RY took or missed a turn, we took a big turn before getting our bearings right again. All the while, we were playing guess the song, where a person or two would sing, and the others guess the song. Fun. When we were crossing Penang Bridge, i was chatting with Al. i wanted to say 'Lumut', instead i uttered, 'Mulut (mouth in BM)'. We both broke into laughter. We laughed for a good 20 or so minutes! Haha....
Then, one by one, we got home...T.T
Thus ends our Fun mini mission trip.... We are hoping for the next one. We are waiting, LORD. (i didn't mention You was because all was by Your grace. So, all was already singing Your praises)
i took more than a month to complete this...
~a burn~
Sunday, 28 March 2010
The Mask
No, the title is not what it seems. No, it's not about the movie, 'The Mask'. It's about me...
28032010~ So, how is this about me? Well, let me explain the underlying basics first. If not mistaken, William Shakespeare once said, "The world's a stage. And all the men and women are merely players." i don't really know what it means, but here's my interpretation of it. You see, we are all acting, whether in front of friends, family, or maybe even spouses. We are not really what we are, until we are alone. We act out our lives in front of a live audience, which also happens to be other players on this stage. We act for several reasons, not to get others worried, to maintain the good image others have of us, to please other people, et cetera. Don't you agree?
Now, when it comes to me, some or even most will see me as playful, maybe mischievous, person. Others may see me as a very serious (though i have changed a lot) guy. And maybe even other opinions of me. But here is how i see myself. Well, they are both correct. i can change myself to adapt to different situations and surroundings. i'm sure most people can do so too. But those who can change the situations and their surroundings wield a powerful ability, be careful, GOD is watching. Anyway, to those who sees me as a playful kid, i am rather serious. i ponder upon things, just that i don't show it. After all, the brain and the body can be separated. Huh? Means that, i'm always thinking, don't think i don't know or understand. i may not understand or all things, but i do try. And to those who thinks i'm tad serious, i'm already quite playful, don't get me wrong though. Actually, when i play, i am serious; when i'm serious, i play... But all these don't mean much.
No matter what other people sees me as, i know what GOD sees in me. He sees LORD Jesus Christ in me, died for my sins, and made me called to be righteous. It's because GOD sees the blood of the Lamb, that i am spared for my sins. "For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord." (Romans 6:23) For Christ died on the cross for all our sins, from the past, to the present, to the future. All sins are forgiven. Which is rather surprising that i am writing this, until now, without realising this week is the Passion Week. "Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me." (John 14:6). Now that through Him, we are reconciled with GOD, we are the children of GOD, which i like to refer as princes and princesses of the King of Kings and Lord of Lords.
"For you did not receive a spirit that makes you a slave again to fear, but you received the Spirit of sonship. And by him we cry, "Abba, Father."" (Romans 8:15)
"你 们 既 为 儿 子 , 神 就 差 他 儿 子 的 灵 进 入 你 们 ( 原 文 作 我 们 ) 的 心 , 呼 叫 : 阿 爸 ! 父 !" (加拉太书 4:6)
~a burn~
28032010~ So, how is this about me? Well, let me explain the underlying basics first. If not mistaken, William Shakespeare once said, "The world's a stage. And all the men and women are merely players." i don't really know what it means, but here's my interpretation of it. You see, we are all acting, whether in front of friends, family, or maybe even spouses. We are not really what we are, until we are alone. We act out our lives in front of a live audience, which also happens to be other players on this stage. We act for several reasons, not to get others worried, to maintain the good image others have of us, to please other people, et cetera. Don't you agree?
Now, when it comes to me, some or even most will see me as playful, maybe mischievous, person. Others may see me as a very serious (though i have changed a lot) guy. And maybe even other opinions of me. But here is how i see myself. Well, they are both correct. i can change myself to adapt to different situations and surroundings. i'm sure most people can do so too. But those who can change the situations and their surroundings wield a powerful ability, be careful, GOD is watching. Anyway, to those who sees me as a playful kid, i am rather serious. i ponder upon things, just that i don't show it. After all, the brain and the body can be separated. Huh? Means that, i'm always thinking, don't think i don't know or understand. i may not understand or all things, but i do try. And to those who thinks i'm tad serious, i'm already quite playful, don't get me wrong though. Actually, when i play, i am serious; when i'm serious, i play... But all these don't mean much.
No matter what other people sees me as, i know what GOD sees in me. He sees LORD Jesus Christ in me, died for my sins, and made me called to be righteous. It's because GOD sees the blood of the Lamb, that i am spared for my sins. "For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord." (Romans 6:23) For Christ died on the cross for all our sins, from the past, to the present, to the future. All sins are forgiven. Which is rather surprising that i am writing this, until now, without realising this week is the Passion Week. "Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me." (John 14:6). Now that through Him, we are reconciled with GOD, we are the children of GOD, which i like to refer as princes and princesses of the King of Kings and Lord of Lords.
"For you did not receive a spirit that makes you a slave again to fear, but you received the Spirit of sonship. And by him we cry, "Abba, Father."" (Romans 8:15)
"你 们 既 为 儿 子 , 神 就 差 他 儿 子 的 灵 进 入 你 们 ( 原 文 作 我 们 ) 的 心 , 呼 叫 : 阿 爸 ! 父 !" (加拉太书 4:6)
~a burn~
Friday, 26 March 2010
Tribute to Friends
We looked into each other,
We were not acquainted,
We were not acquainted,
We walked past,
We continued on our way.
We met again,
We started talking,
We now know each other,
We are friends.
i began thinking of you,
You came into my circle,
My heart opened up,
You poured yours out.
You hold my secrets,
i shall keep yours,
You gave me support,
i gave you strength.
The skies may not be always blue,
But my heart for you is always true.
When you are not happy,
your sadness, i will carry.
If you walked out of my circle,
There will always be a room with your name.
If i ever hurt or angered you,
There will always be a 'i'm sorry'.
My friends, i will not leave you.
My friends, my arms will be holding you.
My friends, my promise to you i shall keep.
My friends, i say, 'Rejoice! Rejoice! for He has brought us together!'
Now it's time to say goodbye,
In Heaven we shall say,'Hi!'
Before our Saviour we meet,
We shall be dancing on our feet.
Wednesday, 17 March 2010
Wednesday, 10 March 2010
25 random things of me~
25. i like to be different (not too much though).
24. my family can be quite weird, with strange taste of humour
23. i would louve to have a elder sister and a elder brother
22. and also a younger brother too...
21. i am poor, but i don't need to use much money...
20. i am richer than most ( globally)
19. can be naughty at times
18. mischievous most of the time
17. like to be a gentleman ( & trying too...)
16. difference between good and bad could be very large
15. don't lose my temper easily ( not like some in my family...)
14. but once i do, it gets very bad...
13. loves nature
12. but apparently, not doing enough
11. love, but do not know how to express it
10. very conservative ( as many sees it)
09. very wild inside ( as i see it)
08. likes to imagine...or daydream...
07. hopes to be a great person ( emperor anyone? )
06. easily loses control of self
05. poor coordination between brain- eyes-ears-hands-legs
04. loves music, but regretfully lets go of the opportunity
03. a quiet one
02. up for adventures (with dear friends, of course...)
01. finally number one!!!
00. huh, some more...!
-1. likes to push things to the limit...
-2. lazyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
-3. reluctant to do or go something or where new
-4 very reliant on others
-5 love to have a pet, four legged one ( dragon, i want a pet dragon!!!)
-6 limited network
-7 u want some more? that's all for now...
24. my family can be quite weird, with strange taste of humour
23. i would louve to have a elder sister and a elder brother
22. and also a younger brother too...
21. i am poor, but i don't need to use much money...
20. i am richer than most ( globally)
19. can be naughty at times
18. mischievous most of the time
17. like to be a gentleman ( & trying too...)
16. difference between good and bad could be very large
15. don't lose my temper easily ( not like some in my family...)
14. but once i do, it gets very bad...
13. loves nature
12. but apparently, not doing enough
11. love, but do not know how to express it
10. very conservative ( as many sees it)
09. very wild inside ( as i see it)
08. likes to imagine...or daydream...
07. hopes to be a great person ( emperor anyone? )
06. easily loses control of self
05. poor coordination between brain- eyes-ears-hands-legs
04. loves music, but regretfully lets go of the opportunity
03. a quiet one
02. up for adventures (with dear friends, of course...)
01. finally number one!!!
00. huh, some more...!
-1. likes to push things to the limit...
-2. lazyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
-3. reluctant to do or go something or where new
-4 very reliant on others
-5 love to have a pet, four legged one ( dragon, i want a pet dragon!!!)
-6 limited network
-7 u want some more? that's all for now...
-8 no la, i'm crazy
Tuesday, 9 March 2010
Going Home~
09032010~ Yesterday, i went home to a very quiet and desolate (that's how i felt) house. Nobody was at home. So what's so special? Well, i went home with a heavy heart. It is just a feeling, but that can make a huge difference. Really, feelings sometimes control our actions, that's why we have irrational people. That's was going home yesterday.
The 55-year-old victim is my uncle. The moment i heard the news, both from my friend and mother, i wasn't sad; but rather confused. i don't know what my emotions were, it's not really sad, and even not happy, i just don't know. It's a weird feeeling, indescribable. Anyway, my family (dad, mom, and sis) rushed to Kuala Lumpur that afternoon. After that, i don't know. i was alone until now. ... Thankfully, my uncle is now with my Father in Heaven and my Saviour. Probably singing praises to Him. Glory to GOD
Though i don't understand what my GOD does and why, i still want to believe in Him, trust in Him, and have faith in Him. i will still praise the LORD and worship Him. i will praise and sing no matter what! Gloria in excelsis Deo!
May the Peace of our GOD be with the family.
"Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid. " (John 14:27)
Peace be with you.
Tuesday, 2 March 2010
System Failed to Start
02032010~ Your system failed to start on time, sorry for the inconvenience caused. No, that's not my computer failing to start up, but me. Yup, you heard me right, my 'system' failed to start. In other words, i did not wake up on time.
Walau, this is the first time leh! i cannot wake up on time. My first class (and only class) of the day starts at 0900 hrs, and guess what? i woke up at 1000 hrs!!! Walau eh!!! i can't even believe it myself. For the entire 19 years of my life, this surely is a first for me. For that hour (class ends at 1100 hrs), i was like 措手不及. ...
Fortunately (and unfortunately), my lecturer wasn't here today. Reasons i wouldn't say, for it was nothing to be glad about either. And according to INTEL, some of my classmates weren't even doing subject related matters. So, thank GOD(?).
Haha hahaha hahahaha!!!
Friday, 26 February 2010
1st Week of 3rd Semester
26022010~ Walau, time sure flies! Three weeks have passed, that was my semester break. Now another has passed, my 1st week of this semester. This semester, we only have 7 weeks, a short semester which is only half the duration of a normal one.
Monday, our tutorial class has only 1 class, Tamadun Islam dan Asia, when we went there, we started talking. As usual, everyone, ... 10 mins passed, 20, 30, 35, the lecturer did not came in. We had enough, then everyone left. Me and some of my friends went to GP, and did a lot of window shopping. We did bought things though, at least not me. CJ, he was looking for something for 某某。You know i know enough liao... .
The following days we had our classes. Some we already started, others, still awaiting the proper equipments to...have? before we start. this semester would be quite fun. Technical Drawing and ACAD. This is what i have been waiting for. AutoCAD 2009, this is fun... Though the learning curve has a rather steep gradient. Then, we only have 3 subjects, 1st two already mentioned, leaving Mathematics III, the only main paper.
Break time? i think we wasted a lot of it. For 2 days, most of us went to Q-Zone, L4D2. i didn't play, it's a waste of money, and i don't know how and don't want either. Watching my mates play was rather amusing, so i found. The way they communicate, and the way the game is played. It's quite funny. Really, i enjoyed watching them play... Very amusing indeed...
i think i want to end here. Why no posts on CNY? It simple, too lazy to. Haha. GOD Bless!
Wednesday, 17 February 2010
The LORD is my Saviour
But now, this is what the LORD says—
he who created you, O Jacob,
he who formed you, O Israel:
"Fear not, for I have redeemed you;
I have summoned you by name; you are mine.
When you pass through the waters,
I will be with you;
and when you pass through the rivers,
they will not sweep over you.
When you walk through the fire,
you will not be burned;
the flames will not set you ablaze.
For I am the LORD, your God,
the Holy One of Israel, your Savior;
I give Egypt for your ransom,
Cush and Seba in your stead.
Since you are precious and honored in my sight,
and because I love you,
I will give men in exchange for you,
and people in exchange for your life.
Do not be afraid, for I am with you;
I will bring your children from the east
and gather you from the west.
I will say to the north, 'Give them up!'
and to the south, 'Do not hold them back.'
Bring my sons from afar
and my daughters from the ends of the earth-
everyone who is called by my name,
whom I created for my glory,
whom I formed and made."
Lead out those who have eyes but are blind,
who have ears but are deaf.
All the nations gather together
and the peoples assemble.
Which of them foretold this
and proclaimed to us the former things?
Let them bring in their witnesses to prove they were right,
so that others may hear and say, "It is true."
"You are my witnesses," declares the LORD,
"and my servant whom I have chosen,
so that you may know and believe me
and understand that I am he.
Before me no god was formed,
nor will there be one after me.
I, even I, am the LORD,
and apart from me there is no savior.
I have revealed and saved and proclaimed—
I, and not some foreign god among you.
You are my witnesses," declares the LORD, "that I am God.
Yes, and from ancient days I am he.
No one can deliver out of my hand.
When I act, who can reverse it?"
Isaiah 43:1-13
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