Through my eyes

What do you see?
What do i see?

The tree

The tree

Friday, 4 December 2009

What Should i Do?

Knowledge is burden; Wisdom is a blessing.

04122009~ Wow! It's already December, and Christmas' just round the corner. The next wave of assignments and tests are already within sights. No, the question is not for these problems, it is for another one.

This morning while i was on the way to college, i saw a couple. What's so special about them, one could see many of couples anywhere? Well, instead of affection, i saw hostility. Simply put they were fighting (over what, i do not know). The couple was quarrelling in public, in the middle of the road. i heard the lady say, " if I follow you up, i will not be able to get out. ... stop torturing me! (in Mandarin) " The man was tugging at the lady, and she was trying to break free of him. i tried not to look, because i'm sure that no one in that position will want others to look. But, as a human, i can't runaway from curiosity. As justification, i told myself that i want to make sure she wasn't harmed. But even if she was, i couldn't do much (he was bigger than me).

i told my friend about this (she lives nearby), she told me not to bother. But i felt kind of guilty not being able to help. What was i supposed to do? i know in a relationship, it's best left to the couple to solve their own problems. However, for me, if i know the existence of trouble or problem, it is not me to ignore. Hence, knowledge is a burden. i don't feel easy if i ignore...Haiz... What should i do (or done)???

This is me, ignoring someone in help isn't me. But timidity is also who i am. Courage, i need. But wisdom is more important. Knowing something but not doing anything about it feels wrong. i wonder how some people can ignore something like that?

" 'If a person sins because he does not speak up when he hears a public charge to testify regarding something he has seen or learned about, he will be held responsible.' " (Leviticus 5:1)


1 comment:

  1. Reuben,这就是现实了~不是每个人都可以忍受这些痛苦的打击的~在这样的生活中,每个人都少了一样很重要的两颗心。那就是耐心和真心。难道不是吗?如果一个人耐心地好好去了解一个人,拿出自己的真心来面对彼此,就不会发生酱的事了!我最讨厌就是这样的人了!没有真心的人!!
